

If you like vintage hand-painted signs and sho’cards then you will love Morocco. It is based on theatre posters that advertised a 1930 Marlene Dietrich movie by the same name. Designed by a skilled sign painter, Morocco has all the nuances of real brush lettering. It harks back to a time when lettering had artistic flair instead of so many of the sterile, predictable examples we see today. It is a bold font, yet the characters take up about as much space as medium weight fonts making it perfect for headings where overall length is a concern.

Have you ever chosen a display font for your project, only to discover that it didn’t have quote marks or an apostrophe? You will be glad to know that even though Morocco was primarily intended for headings that appear on retro signs and posters, it also contains both upper and lowercase characters as well as all special characters, punctuation and symbols. Whether you need a 30s style logo or a 60s style surfing poster, Morocco will deliver the message.

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